- George has a great appetite. He wants to eat everything he sees.
- Do you know, what natural foods help curb the appetite?
- He's got an appetite.
- I have no appetite.
- When we hate our enemies, we are giving them power over us: power over our sleep, our appetites, our blood pressure, our health, and our happiness.
- I've lost my appetite.
- I have a good appetite.
- Melancholy: an appetite no misery satisfies.
- I have almost no appetite.
- Steve worked up an appetite.
- I don't have a good appetite.
- I have an immense appetite for solitude, like an infant for sleep, and if I don't get enough for this year, I shall cry all the next.
- I seem to have lost my appetite.
- Thanks to you I've lost my appetite.
- I never trust people with no appetite. It's like they're always holding something back on you.
- Frank said I have no appetite.
- Appetite comes with eating.
- George has a perfect appetite. He wants to eat everything he sees.
- George has a excellent appetite. He wants to eat everything he sees.
- Even in the centuries which appear to us to be the most monstrous and foolish, the immortal appetite for beauty has always found satisfaction.